Victoria Beckham - That Extra Half an Inch: Hair, Heels and Everthing in Between
By Victoria Beckham with Hadley Freeman
London Public Library Call #: 646.34 Bec
Rating: 3/5 Stars

Unfortunately I didn't really like Victoria Beckham's That Extra Half an Inch: Hair, Heels and Everthing in Between book at all. Maybe it was a little to "posh" for me. I'm not quite sure. I came across this book in the same Masonville branch book display as the Eye Candy book by Linda Mason. The book display is on fashion, make up, and clothing. Girly pink stuff really... so of course it drew me in... not once, but twice! So I picked up Beckham's book as I read, "that extra half an inch" on the front cover of the book. I thought to myself, "oh my goodness, is it like a Sex & the City style book? - because I remember in one of the TV show episodes Carrie is telling her politician fling how sometimes a girl just needs an extra half inch. Then below I continue to read on, "hair, heels and evething in between." I skimmed through it for a second and thought well why not. I checked it out from the LPL and brought it home. It was all just to much labels for me. I like my labels, but I am also very very cheap. Amen to that right ladies!?! I buy stuff only if its on sale. Period. The purses that I have with a label on the front (Coco Chanel, D&G, & Prada) are fake and bought in New York City Chinatown. I just kind of felt that this book was geared towards individuals who make a minimum of $1 million dollars a year as all of the cosmetic products and fashion designs illustrated throughout the book are very expensive. The book gave the hidden message of always needing to look your best when one goes out in public or is around other human beings. If you do this, this will make you feel wonderful about yourself, aka = dress up with make up and heels and you will get attention, which will then make you feel good about yourself. I personally think, "shouldn't we be able to go out and about in public and just feel good about our selves, no matter how we look, even if that means in sweat pants?" Don't get me wrong... I love to dress up with heels, a dress, a hot hair due and make up, but I also don't mind going out in public in a sweater, sweat pants and runners. Despite this rant, I did however browsed through the numerous pages of pictures of purses, cloths, shoes, make up and accessories for all different occasions, themes, and seasons. All the clothes looked great but I also thought how much money and time it takes to look that great. Maybe if I had the time, money and someone who dresses me up, I would look like that to and tell others to do the same. But for now, I will just read about it. I give this book 3 out of 5 stars as I found the whole book just a bit to posh for me.
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